Westminster Experience
Twenty four hours in Whitehall can seriously damage your organisation’s health & future prospects
The Westminster Experience underlines this fact of life by putting you in the shoes of the Secretary of State and the Ministerial team and officials surrounding them. Events unfold around you which will change your viewpoint forever. Decisions and public statements you must make on key issues will leave you better equipped to deal with the everyday problems that arise in your own organisation. This bespoke simulation, which is tailored to be up-to-the-minute and to the sector that affects you, provides insights and understandings that only the most successful people in government can acquire in the course of a whole career.
The one day course is designed for 14-24 participants. They are encouraged to experiment and discover how they (and others) deal with conflicting pressures and people. This is accomplished in a safe environment where performance is audited and improved with the benefit of one to one coaching from a past Minister and civil servant.
The Westminster Experience is recommended for those working at a senior level who need to better understand how politics at the highest level works. We have a programme for those working in health and care, and also a different programme aimed at the education sector. However, we’d be happy to talk to you about how this offer could be further developed to support other sectors.
Outcomes will include:
A deeper understanding of the relationship between politicians, civil servants and arms length bodies
An increased knowledge of how political thinking is translated into policy and implemented
Demystifying the political cycle
An increased understanding of how to influence the political agenda on a national / regional level
How to navigate through the political minefield
Why choose the Westminster Experience?
People, whether working in the public, third or private sector, may have little first-hand experience of how Government actually works. So, it can be difficult to recognise the competing issues and interests that are constantly vying for Ministers’ attention and what leads to policy being developed and implemented. But there is scope to steal a march if you know how to ‘close the loop’ by aligning all the different parts of the system.
Developing Contacts
Experience teaches senior leaders the value of good networks. But the “prospects” surrounding Parliament must be handled differently. The Westminster Experience does not simply provide a way of introducing people to Government whose organisations they may need to influence; it is a way of learning how (and how not) to deal with them on “live” issues which may unfold in the glare of the hostile press.
Personal and Career Development
The Westminster Experience helps people think strategically whilst exhibiting skills in crisis management. All of the learning and skills acquired during the day can be transposed back into ‘the day job’.
New Skills and Knowledge
The challenges of Whitehall and Westminster are arcane. Michael Foot is reputed to have told his officials “Don’t give me the facts, they only cloud the issues”. The Westminster Experience throws light on such everyday realities. As well as political skills, participants will learn to appreciate how important timing and the use of language can be to Ministers and civil servants.
Like Government, which affects everyone’s life, The Westminster Experience has a serious purpose. But it is intended to be a memorable and enjoyable event.
Our Team
We employ a wide range of ‘real people’ who are not actors but whose positions are relevant to the Experience and who help make the day realistic, challenging and enjoyable.